To help parishes foster unity and to rally spiritually during the      Beacons of Light transition period, the Archdiocese has permitted a naming of our region. On August 3, 2022, a joint pastoral and finance council meeting of all five parishes was held. I asked that members help me determine a temporary name for our family of parishes.   Therefore, instead of "The Family of Parishes of Northwest 6       Region," we will now refer to our region as "Our Lady of  Fatima Family of Parishes." This name does not replace any of our        parishes' names, nor is it permanent at this time.


Yours in Christ,

Fr. Eric Bowman

Pastor, Our Lady of Fatima Family of Parishes

People on a journey of missionary discipleship. Priests who have the time to be present, attend to the needs of their people, and lead their parish to fulfill Christ’s great commission. Parishes that are alive in faith, filled with vitality, ready to form people to radiate Christ at home, in their neighborhoods and workplace, towns and cities, and in the world. BEACONS of LIGHT is a strategic, pastoral planning process that will lead us toward such a bright future for the parishes of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for our third century. Your leadership is essential to this process. We are grateful for your willingness to serve.

Click here to go to Beacons of Light at the Archdiocese of Cincinnati website

Click here to go to Beacons of Light at the Archdiocese of Cincinnati website


Archbishop Schnurr in a new video – An interview with Anna Mitchell of Sacred Heart Radio – discussing Beacons of Light